City Secretary
The City Secretary is responsible for keeping City records and minutes of the meetings, authenticating City documents by signature and serving as the early voting clerk.
The City Secretary is responsible to provide legal notice of all official City Council meetings, notice of ordinances, and elections; to plan, direct, manage and oversee the activities and to oversee the operations of the municipal court; and to provide highly complex administrative support to the Finance Director and City Manager.
As Human Resources Director, the City Secretary also administers employee benefits, workers compensation, recruitment, salary information, retirement, training and safety education. The operations of the City of Wharton's personnel activities including the functions of benefits, employee records, performance appraisals, and employee relations.
Services offered:
- Oversees the office of the city secretary
- Records Management
- Texas Alcohol Beverage Commission (TABC) Licensing for City Businesses
- Insurance Management for all City property
- Surplus Property Sales
- Open Records Requests
- Human Resources which includes all employee benefits
- Public Information Officer which includes press releases
- Produces Quarterly Newsletter
- Handles Bid Packet creation for City Fuel, Uniforms, Road Materials & Chemicals
- Oversees the Municipal Court which has two full time court clerks and a Part Time Judge whom handles the Jail plus court proceedings twice a week. The Court deals with all City issued tickets, Class C Misdemeanors (max fine $500) and Violations of the City Ordinance.
- Ambulance and Taxi Permitting
- Public Notice posting for all City meetings
- Proclamations/special recognition's
- City Elections
- Website maintenance and updating
The Regular meetings of the Wharton City Council are held the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, located at 120 E. Caney Street, Wharton, Texas.
The City Secretary attends every meeting of the City Council and keeps accurate minutes of the proceedings thereof in a book to be provided for that purpose and engrosses and enrolls all laws, resolutions, and ordinances of the Council, keeps the corporate seal, takes charge of and preserves all books, records, papers, documents and files of the Council, thereby serving as the City's Records Management Officer, administers oaths, countersigns and attests contracts, and other legal instruments when executed by the authorized officers of the City; serves as the election official for all City elections.
The City Secretary also serves as the recording secretary for the Wharton County Emergency Services District No. 3.
The City Secretary performs other duties as may be required of her by law, ordinance, resolution, the City Charter or the direction of the City Manager including but not limited to issuing permits for taxicabs, ambulance services and beer/liquor/wine establishments.
All Public Information Requests are submitted to the City Secretary and processed according to the requirements of the Texas Open Records Act.
Paula Favors, TRMC, CMC, City Secretary
Phone Number: 979-532-2491 ext. 225