Questions and Answers
*Answers provided by the United States Army Corp of Engineers (USACE)*
How many property owners will be impacted by the construction of the levees and associated drainage channels for the project?
Approximately 200, including potential Colorado Phase 2 and Baughman Slough.
Will USACE be acquiring property or will it be the city?
The City of Wharton will be acquiring properties on behalf of USACE but all requirements of the Uniform Act will be followed. The foundation process to acquire private land by the federal government in a uniform and equitable way is spelled out in detail in the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, and amended in 1987. This law is commonly referred to as the Uniform Act.
When will property owners begin to be contacted?
Colorado Phase 1 property owners have been contacted. Colorado Phase 2 and Baughman Slough property owners will be contacted as design is refined by USACE, pending funds availability.
Is there a published schedule yet for when design and construction will be complete?
Colorado Phase 1 design has been completed and is anticipated to break ground late Spring/Summer 2022. Colorado Phase 2 and Baughman Slough are currently in design, construction pending funds availability.
How long will it take to build the levee?
Colorado Phase 1 is estimated to take a year and a half. Colorado Phase 2 and Baughman Slough is currently estimated to take two years.
When will building of the levee begin?
Levee building is expected to begin in late Spring/Summer 2022.
How will I know if my property will be part of the levee?
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or City of Wharton representatives/contractors will be contacting property owners impacted directly by building of the levees.
How will it affect property owners outside of the levee?
The design of the levees to be built in the Wharton area give the maximum benefit for the costs while minimizing impact to surrounding area. City of Wharton and USACE continues to collaborate with local agencies (TxDOT, KC Southern Railroad, Wharton County, Texas Parks & Wildlife, Texas Historical Commission) and has reviewed flood modeling as part of this design process.
Will the City of Wharton still flood even with a levee?
Wharton levee system is designed to mitigate flood risk and damage but will not prevent 100 percent of flooding in the area. In certain events like Harvey, part of the City will still experience flooding but at a reduced level.
Who is paying for the levee?
This project is federally funded through Public Law 115-123, the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018, signed into law February 9, 2018.
My property is downstream from Wharton and I hear you all are funneling all the water through Wharton and are going to flood me out?
The levee system being built in Wharton will mitigate the flood risk and damage to the city and its citizens from catastrophic floods while not raising the downstream consequences significantly. The project reduces the amount of spillage from the Colorado River which passes directly through the City of Wharton, without meaningfully increasing flood stages outside the City. It produces no "funneling" of flood waters and actually reduces the flood water passing through Caney Creek and nearby tributaries. City of Wharton and USACE continue to revise design to maximize benefit while reducing risk to surrounding areas.